We finally arrive after our 12 hour journey, tired from the long trip, yet excited to be in Buenos Aires again. As is customary - for as long as I can remember - there is always a welcoming mix of family and friends in the international arrivals exit at Ezeiza (Buenos Aires' International Airport) anxiously waiting to greet us. We move through customs as quickly as we can knowing everyone is on the other side of the glass doors. This trip involved ten (yes, "10") pieces of luggage (plus carry ons!) which was not much different compared to the trips we took when I was little - only today we were 6 people traveling and back then it was mostly just my mom and me with piles of luggage. Much more than we could realistically manage alone, but the baggage handlers always took care of us - and maybe even remembered us each time. Most of what we packed back then was hand me down clothing and shoes for my countless cousins and other family members who live in a very small, remote and underdeveloped pueblo in Northern Argentina called Curuzu Cuatia. This is where my gaucho grandfather is from (read more about him here) and where my mom was born as well.
On this stay, we have rented an apartment in Palermo Soho. A trendy neighborhood in Buenos Aires where we tend to like spending time because of the great mix of unique shopping, great restaurants and beautiful parks - which are all within walking distance from our apartment. One of those unique shops in Palermo belongs to Sandra Rudelir, founder and owner of Humawaca (read more about Humawaca here) - one of the great Argentine brands that I import. A visit to the Humawaca store is surely on my to do list on this trip to pick up some more inventory and check out what's new and different in the store for our upcoming spring/summer seasons back home.

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